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"Narendra Modi Engages G20 Summit Ground-Level Functionaries at Bharat Mandapam"

Today, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi met with Team G20 at Bharat Mandapam. The Prime Minister also spoke to the crowd on the occasion.

Speaking on the occasion, the Prime Minister emphasised the praises that have been lavished on the effective organisation of the G20 and ascribed the achievement to the ground-level functionaries.

In light of the detailed planning and execution process, the Prime Minister requested that the officials publish their experiences and lessons learned. According to him, the paper that has been developed might provide important guidance for future situations.

The Prime Minister stated that the secret to the success of such large events is everyone's sense of the importance of entrepreneurship and a sense of being a major part of that enterprise. The Prime Minister stated that the secret to the success of such large events is everyone's sense of the importance of entrepreneurship and a sense of being a major part of that enterprise.

The Prime Minister invited the officials to gather informally and discuss their experiences in their different departments. This, he claims, puts one's performance in context. He stated that knowing the efforts of others motivates us to achieve better. 'Today's celebration represents the union of labourers, and both you and I are Mazdoor,' he remarked. According to the Prime Minister, in everyday office work, we do not get to know the skills of our coworkers. Working together in the field eliminates silos, both vertical and horizontal, and develops a team. He expounded on this issue by citing the current Swachta Abhiyan and requesting that it be a collaborative effort across departments. According to him, this would turn the endeavour into a celebration rather than a work. He went on to say that there is strength in the communal spirit.

He suggested breaking down office hierarchies and making an effort to learn about the capabilities of one's coworkers. The Prime Minister emphasised the importance of such successful organisations in terms of human resources and learning and stated that when an event is skillfully executed rather than simply occurring, it has a far-reaching influence. He illustrated this by citing the Commonwealth Games, which might have been a tremendous opportunity to brand the country but instead not only defamed the individuals involved and the country but also instilled a feeling of depression in the governing system. On the other side, the G20 has been a success in demonstrating the country's might to the rest of the globe. "I'm not concerned with editorial praise; what matters to me is that my country is now confident that it can host any such event in the best possible manner," he remarked.

He commented on this rising trust by highlighting India's significant contribution to global disaster relief, such as the earthquake in Nepal, the cyclone in Fiji, Sri Lanka, where material was supplied, the Maldives' energy and water crises, the evacuation from Yemen, and the earthquake in Turkey. All of this, he added, demonstrated that India stands strong for the benefit of humanity and reaches out to everyone in need. He also notified the G20 summit of the preparations for the Jordan tragedy, despite the fact that the necessity to go did not exist.

He stated that on this occasion, ministers and senior officials are seated at the rear, while lower-level functionaries are in the front. "I like this arrangement because it gives me confidence that my foundation is solid," he remarked. The Prime Minister emphasised the importance of global exposure in order to advance further. He stated that the global strategy and context should now underpin all of our activities. He stated that at the G20, one lakh key decision-makers visited India and returned as tourism ambassadors for India. He stated that the good efforts of the ground-level officials seeded the germ of this ambassadorship. He believes that now is the moment to drive tourism to new heights.

The Prime Minister spoke with the officials and listened to their stories. Around 3000 individuals took part in the engagement, which contributed to the success of the G20 Summit. It specifically includes individuals who worked on the ground to guarantee the summit's seamless operation, such as cleaners, chauffeurs, waiters, and other workers from several ministries. Ministers and officials from other departments also attended the conversation.


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