In a recent development, two teenagers, a girl named Sheetal Rahul Singh (age 17) and a boy named Vivek Rajmani Jaiswal (age 21), were discovered sleeping at the Foot Over Bridge (FOB) of Dativali Railway Station during the late hours of November 6, 2023. The encounter took place while the two were in a disoriented state and unresponsive to questioning by the authorities. This led to suspicions of foul play, prompting the involvement of Railway Police personnel.
Upon their discovery, the girl's father, Rahul Virendra Singh, was called to the scene, who confirmed that Sheetal had been missing from her residence since November 4, 2023. In light of this, an FIR was registered at Mumbra Police Station under Section 363 of the IPC for "kidnapping."
The boy's father, Rajmani Lalu Ram Jaiswal, also reported his son Vivek missing since November 4, 2023, and an FIR was filed at Mumbra Police Station under the "missing persons" category.
The investigation was subsequently handed over to Assistant Police Inspector (API) Shelke of Diva Police Station. The Diva Police Station team prepared a report and forwarded it to the Railway Police Force (RPF) Thane Division to facilitate the safe return of the two teenagers to their parents.
The RPF personnel, led by Police Inspector Suresh Gawli, successfully reunited Sheetal and Vivek with their respective parents, ensuring their well-being.
The notable efforts of HC Shivkumar Meena were acknowledged and appreciated by the police authorities for his role in handling the situation.
The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of prompt action by law enforcement in such cases to ensure the safety of missing individuals.