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Lt Umesh Keelu - From Slums to Stars, Dream comes true for a young man from Dharavi slums as he becomes an Army officer

Mumbai,Most of us have been fortunate and blessed to take many things in life for granted - a home to call our own, timely meals, recreation, avenues for entertainment, and what not! How often do we ponder over the fact that life is not kind and considerate to everyone. What we consider basic necessities, is a luxury to millions of others who aren't as fortunate as we are. How often do we put ourselves into the shoes of the other person and look at life from their perspective?

Officer Cadet Umesh Dilli Rao Keelu was born and raised in the Sion Koliwada slum, in Mumbai. His family of four used to live in a house that measured barely 10 meters in length and 5meters in breadth. His father, the family's lone breadwinner worked as a painter and ensured that the two children got the best education possible, within their modest means.

As Umesh got past every adversity that life threw at him and his family, new ones kept cropping up. In the year 2013, his father and the family's lone breadwinner suffered an acute stroke, which left him paralysed and put a stop to the family's meager earnings.

While going through it all, Umesh pursued and earned a Bachelors of Science Degree in IT and Masters Degree in Computer Science. While balancing his academic work, he also served in the NCC 'AIR WING' and earned a 'C' Certificate. His duties and responsibilities didn't end there he took up a part-time opportunity at a cyber cafe and worked as a computer operator, with the hope of earning and contributing to his family.

Thanks to his tireless efforts, he was placed with TCS in the core IT services sector and began supporting his family with his regular income. On realising that his salary proved inadequate for the family's needs and his father's treatment, he took up a gig with British Council during the weekends. For most youngsters, the first salary would be a special memory and a means to celebrate, here the young man was making ends meet and shouldering the responsibility of his entire family.

If this wasn't enough pressure for a young man, he also started preparing for competitive exams such as the SSB, in order to fulfill his parents' dream of seeing him don the Indian Armed Forces' Uniform. Beyond his parents' wishes, he himself held a deep-rooted aspiration for a life in the service of the nation, as it would grant him the exposure that his modest family could not afford to. He believed that a career in the Armed Forces would be the best opportunity to attain holistic development from opportunities to play and excel at various sports, pursue higher studies, and travel the length and breadth of our vast and

diverse nation.

Over the years, he has made a total of 12 attempts to clear the SSB and join this

prestigious academy. As soon as he had joined the academy and started getting accustomed

to the new way of life, a major tragedy struck his family. The officer cadet got word of his

ailing father having passed away. On special grounds, he was granted permission to visit his

family and perform his duties and return to the academy. Once back at the academy, he got

into the grind and toiled hard to fulfil his parents dreams and don the stars of a newly.


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